So the 24th birthday finally came around. Send all presents my direction pleeeeeease. More on the celebrations soon but first we must talk about the final #tocookbefore24 kitchen adventure.
Cookies. Oh they will always be my weakness. Oh so soft and chewy and fluffy and please god, let me eat them all.
So here's the thing, my ventures with cookie cooking (say it when you're drunk, I dare ya) hasn't been what you'd call a major success (well apart from the cookie cake but that's not technically a cookie guys). Remember the attempt at M&M cookies (ha)? I've been trying; cookies were meant to be one of the #tocookbefore24 posts basically every week of this series but they were never quite right (according to my standards anyway).This final post very nearly turned into a tragic story of a girl trying to make the perfect cookies who failed and just cried into the dough instead (joke, obviously I'd eat the dough). Get your violins out now.
Fear not folks; that would be a rubbish post so I guess I'll have to tell you about my last minute success instead (just a few days before my birthday as well; right in the nick of time). It's really thanks to my sister being hyperorganised. Her birthday present for me arrived a week early; a marvellous cook book full of recipes from New York - um HI. And in it, of course, were super soft, gooey, chewy chocolate chip cookies with a method I'd never seen before which involved rolling the dough into strange shapes and putting in the fridge but, hey, worth a shot right?
Oh maaaaaan, the satisfaction in eating iiiiiiiincredible cookies and knowing you, YOU, made em. I'll never tire of this cooking business. The dairy milk is so great in sweet chunks, the walnuts adding that cheeky little crunch and the sea salt.... um genius?
Let's go kids!
Recipe adapted from this book.
For chocolate chunk, walnut and sea salt cookies, you will need (makes 12 large cookies):
110g dairy milk chocolate
40g walnuts
225g butter, softened
100g caster sugar
100g light brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 eggs
350g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon sea salt
Chop the walnuts and chocolate into chunks.
Beat the sugars and butter until creamy. Add the eggs, vanilla extract and a pinch of the sea salt and beat until smooth.
Combine the flour, baking powder, chocolate and walnuts. Combine with the wet mixture until a dough starts to form.
Shape the dough into a ball, put in a bowl, cover loosely with clingfilm and put in the fridge for a hour. After the hour, take out, roll the dough into a sausage shape, wrap in clingfilm and put back into the fridge for another hour.
Cut the dough into slices approximately 1.5cm thick.
Lay out on a baking parchment-covered sheet and sprinkle each cookie with a little sea salt.
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180c for no more than 10 minutes. Cool for 10 minutes or so before taking off the tray, and then scoff ya face.