11 Jun 2021
Life Lately (+ Some News)
I think this may be the longest I have ever gone without writing, both online and off. There has been a lot going on and it has been somewhat all consuming. The past couple of weeks have felt like waking up and my mood has taken a dramatic lift. I’m tentatively dipping my toe back into a world where I feel vaguely human again so here’s a bit of an update to get started!
A teeny human
No point beating around the bush - there is a baby growing in my belly! This is the main reason why I feel like the past few months have passed in a bit of a daze; my life has been solely based on simply making it through to the end of the day without vomiting and trying to do so whilst working. By some miracle, I only took two days off sick and I have never been more grateful to be working from home. I can’t say I’ve enjoyed feeling so unwell and off kilter but I do feel like I’ve recently emerged out the other side and with the tentative return of my personality and normal eating habits has come the trickles of excitement for what’s ahead. I do plan to write about it all in more detail soon but for now, all being well, we’ll have a third member of our household by the end of the year!
Oh how off my timing was. Just as restrictions lifted to allow us to see other humans again, morning sickness rolled in like a tidal wave of doom and for a while, it felt like lockdown continued just as it had been for the past 253 years which wasn’t exactly peachy for my mental health. But, am pleased to report that I have managed to be reunited with friends and family in more recent weeks and even more pleased to report that I didn’t throw up on them which would have been a great way to tell them how much I’d missed them after months apart I’m sure. I’ve been so keen to make up for lost time that almost every single weekend is now booked up throughout the summer and I am SO ready to fill my days with sunshine and all my favourite people around the country!
Before pregnancy sucked my creativity dry (it is slowly returning thank gawd), I had a bit of a flurry of submitting my work for a couple of things and the results provided me with a much-needed lil boost during long weeks of feeling like an actual slug. I won second prize in the Henshaw Press March short story competition and had an article published on Mish Mash Food – you can read them here and here.
Garden renovation
Whilst I’ve been lying in a heap mostly feeling sorry for myself, Gary (and my step-dad) has been working tirelessly on our garden renovation. Our outside space has been stripped bare and the ‘glow-up’ is in progress. There’s been an alarming amount of sand, an incident with a shed flying across a bypass and an introduction to the bugger that is bindweed but it is beginning to take place and I can’t wait to sit in it with a G&T in hand (non-alcoholic of course…).
Jabs & sunshine & happy thoughts
I know there’s a long way to go before we’re out of this pandemic, I know there’s a lot to still be concerned about, but with the sun shining, a sore recently-jabbed arm and plans in the diary, I feel more optimistic than I’ve done since March 2020 and I’m going to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible.
Hope you are healthy and happy dear reader! I am glad to be back in my lil online space and am looking forward to writing more soon.