Ever have those days where you get back from work totally knackered, longing for a bath, some slobbing on the sofa and shovelling food into your mouth? But you are also too tired to even think of something to cook for dinner, let alone actually cook it and then oh maaaaan, wash up all those pans. Whhhhyyy don't I have a live-in michelin star chef?!
Every day? Yeah me too.
Hence why I loooooove this recipe. You literally just pile a load of tasty stuff in a pan, cook for 10-15 minutes and done. Also just the one pan to wash up. BOOM.
Life saver guys, life saver.
For working gal's one-pot pasta, you will need (serves 2):
200g wholewheat spaghetti or pasta
170g baby plum tomatoes
A large handful of fresh basil leaves
1 white onion
2 garlic cloves
1/2 teaspoon chilli flakes
1 tablespoon olive oil
500 ml water
Finely chop your onion, garlic cloves and slice your tomatoes in half. Whack into your pot with the pasta, chilli flakes and fresh basil leaves.
Add the oil and water.
Cook on the hob, over a medium heat for 10-15 minutes until all the water has been absorbed.
And you're done! It really is THAT easy. Perfect for those tired week nights eh?
Serve up with fresh basil and lashings of parmesan.