1 Feb 2025

January Journal | The most January of Januarys


You know those ‘morning routine to set me up for a good day’ vlogs on social media? Fun activity as a parent: compare your morning to theirs and then laugh hysterically. Particularly when your morning started with your child throwing up on you which happened to me twice this month. 

January has really been Januarying this year. A three week (and counting) cold from hell which turned into a chest infection, two vomiting incidents (why is it always when you’ve just put fresh sheets on?), pelvic girdle pain, toilet training… basically I have dealt with more bodily fluids in the last three weeks then is reasonably justified. Unless you’ve cleaned up poo off the bathroom floor whilst hacking up blood-stained mucus, you’ve probably had a better month than me lads. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not making any headway with new year’s goals and feeling depressed by the perpetual greyness – IT COULD BE WORSE. I’m not going to even touch on the alarming state of world news this month. I just can’t even go there right now. 

That being said, I thought I was going to have to work really hard for things I’ve loved lately (below) but it is surprising the small joys you can find even when you feel a bit bleak. As woo-woo as it sounds, I am always going to be an advocate for taking a moment to find the small joys. 

Twenty things I’ve loved lately

Visiting the Van Gogh exhibition at The National Gallery in London. Not normally an art person but there is something particularly beautiful about his paintings. 

A gorgeous meal at Tofu Vegan with my family for my mum’s birthday. We sat chatting all afternoon and those wontons were so good. 

Walking through the countryside on a bright, extremely frosty day. The countryside where we live is so flat, but I find such beauty in it. 

A Gail’s opening in our town. God help my bank balance having such easy access to those cinnamon buns. 

Julius Robert’s super green pasta. Easy, delicious, great way to fill us all (including my vegetable-resistant toddler) with the good stuff. 

The bbhugme pregnancy pillow. It was an investment, but I have never been more grateful when I was using it to prop me up at night when it was impossible to lie down without coughing up a kidney (also very good when used for its primary purpose as well). 

A bright orange citrus cake; a pop of sunshine in this never-ending grey. 

Alfie brushing my hair for me. I may be ill but at least he’s not letting standards drop. 

Good quality hot chocolate. Always restorative. 

Viewing a house for my sister and brother-in-law in our area. Buzzing to potentially have them living nearby. 

My husband picking up so much of the slack as I waddle about coughing, groaning, moaning. Give the man a medal for his never-ending patience. 

Alfie rubbing my belly absent-mindedly as he watches Thomas the tank engine. He keeps poking my belly button and telling his sibling to come out. If only it was that easy eh?

This sausage bean recipe by Ella Risbridger. Very tasty. 

Lockerbie with Colin Firth. Haunting but a very good piece of telly; would recommend. 

Leaving the fairy lights strewn across our kitchen ceiling exactly where they are. Went up for Christmas, staying for the cosy vibes. 

Onyx Storm. Perfect reading material when you can’t sleep because your nose is entirely blocked, and your chest is crackling in a slightly alarming fashion. 

Fantasising about all the colourful clothes I am going to wear once I no longer look like a beachball. 

Owning a slow cooker. A truly excellent Christmas present. 

Making a list of all the books coming out this year that I am excited to read. 

Snowdrops emerging. SPRING IS COMING. 





31 Jan 2025

2025 Notes

2025 goals

More reading

More baking bread

More time in nature

More weekend adventures

More colourful clothes

More music 

It is going to be the first year of parenting two young children. Practice the art of minimal expectations, let things go, be kind to ourselves. If you only survive the year, that’s grand. 

For second baby:

Do what works and makes things feel manageable, not what others want you to do or what your past-self hoped you would do. Lean into what you actually want/need in that moment. 

Push ourselves to get out there at weekends, not be confined to a two-mile radius around the house because it feels easier. We’re all happier for getting out and doing something different. 

It’s all just a phase. Things come back, you come back. Be patient. 

If there’s the opportunity for a nap, take it. 

A less full diary. More space for spontaneity. 

Make exercise work in some fashion. It’s okay to prioritise re-building strength after pregnancy/birth. 

Take the year in chunks. Plan seasonally. Could-do lists at the start of each fresh season. 

31 Dec 2024

December Journal | Christmas & 2024 Reflections

December Journal

This felt like our best Christmas in a while and I think it was partly because it was the year of starting new traditions. The last few years haven’t felt quite the same at Christmas – 2020; let’s not go there, 2021; I was in hospital and the last two years, whilst not bad at all, have just felt discombobulating. Trying to figure out how to make Alfie’s birthday his day whilst balancing old traditions and other people’s expectations around Christmas has felt intense at times (particularly when sleep deprived). I feel so strongly that he should get a proper birthday just like any other child but it’s also impossible to ignore the fact that it is Christmas Eve and people have other demands and plans, and there is also Christmas prep to be done at the same time as making a cake and buying balloons etc. This year, however, I felt like I was finally getting into my stride with it. There were a couple of late nights, but everything was wrapped, baked and set-up without any last-minute stresses and I actually felt like I enjoyed myself this year. 

The weekend before Christmas, we had family visiting and there was more than one Christmas dinner, present swapping and soaking up that pre-Christmas buzz. We went out on Christmas Eve which is not something we have ever normally done but taking Alfie out for a birthday meal, going to look at the big Christmas tree in town (and running around it multiple times because three year old) and then coming home for a slice of birthday cake, and putting a mince pie and carrot out, felt like a good balance and a good way to transition from birthday to Christmas.  

It was mine and Gary’s first-time hosting Christmas and even though trying to sort everything for Alfie’s birthday on top of the Christmas prep all the while lugging around my beachball of a belly and the house being half-way through a big DIY/room-swap mess was frazzling at times, I still found it a lot of fun. Honestly, Alfie really starting to get Christmas this year was such a joy to be a part of. 

On Boxing Day, we drove over to Wimpole to see the Christmas light display which was brilliant. I really loved doing something on Boxing Day, keeping the festivities going just a little bit longer and not getting cabin fever with an active three-year-old are all wins in my book. Also, there were churros and I bloody love churros. 

This Twixmas period has been the most relaxed I have been all year. The house is a mess, I’ve tripped over the train set more times than I care to admit and any form of routine has gone to shit. But I don’t care. We’ve enjoyed lie ins and daytime baths and getting into pyjamas at 4pm (after only getting out of them at 11am), lunches bought from the street food market and dinners of cheeseboards, chicken & stuffing sandwiches and Christmas chocolate eaten in front of Gavin & Stacey, Wallace & Gromit and Outnumbered. It’s been great. I know my desire for a refresh will kick in very soon but right now, I’m just embracing piles of presents still sat around, not knowing what day it is, wondering what to spend my book vouchers on and wearing super soft socks (is it even Christmas if your mum doesn’t buy you new socks?!).  

We have a table booked at our local sushi restaurant on New Year’s Eve and are also hoping to squeeze in a cheeky mocktail but honestly, if we’re in bed by 9pm, I won’t be mad about it. Hope you’ve had a good one. 

December Journal

2024 reflections 

It’s been a weird ol’ year. I always quite enjoy the natural reset of January, setting some intentions for the year ahead, but half-way through this January, we were told we were facing a major restructure at work and all at risk of redundancy and that pretty much set the precedent for the year: feeling like my head was only just above the water at all times. It was four months before I knew the outcome of the restructure and whilst it all worked out okay in the end (a promotion and pay rise), those four months were stressful and the stress at work didn’t really end as we then had to put the new structure together which is an ongoing process. Amongst this, we were trying for a baby which was something we didn’t feel like we could delay but doing so amongst the threat of losing my job felt like a very risky game. In the meantime, I was also planning my sister’s hen do and practicing a vegan wedding cake which were both lovely tasks, but I would have preferred to have done them without all the other shit going on (particularly when my interview fell the same week as the hen do). 

I finally found out I was pregnant in July and even though I felt relieved and happy and lucky, I had also had this feeling of trepidation. It’s like I just knew this wasn’t going to be an easy pregnancy. It’s been six months of feeling, well, crap. In the last few weeks, something has shifted; I feel like I have a little more energy again and my word, the difference. I will take any amount of heartburn/aching/swelling/weeing every half an hour for the remainder of the pregnancy if it means my brain doesn’t feel like it’s wading through fog all the damn time. 

It is, however, so easy to focus on all the hard bits and when I flick through photos from the year, there has been so much good stuff. The biggest joy, as always, has been watching Alfie grow. Parenting is really hard work but watching him go from two – three has been a privilege and probably my favourite age yet. There was also our holiday in Camber Sands, celebrating five years married at The Pig, my sister’s wedding, our holiday in Devon, glamping in Suffolk, a trip to Edinburgh with my sister, our annual trip to Norwich and all the lovely day-to-day joys that I’ve tried to capture in these monthly journals throughout the year. 

December Journal

Twenty Things I’ve Loved Lately

Alfie having the time of his life on the bouncy castle at a friend’s birthday party. 

A Christmas Wreath workshop with my friend; I’ve never done one before and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. It was nice to do something different and spend time together away from the kids. Plus, as a first attempt, I didn’t think my wreath was too bad – I was willing to hang it on my door anyway! 

Alfie singing Jingle Bells at the top of his voice on a loop, all day, every day. 

Two nights off parenting; we had a lovely weekend relaxing in Norwich. 

The house being full of various fairy lights or light-up devices. I want my living space to be twinkly AF at Christmas time. 

Catching up with old friends at National Trust places. 

Alfie’s absolute delight in spotting Christmas trees around town. 

A big navy, velvet bow in my hair. 

The Christmas tree in Ely cathedral – stunning. Or, to quote Alfie, ‘it’s SO pretty Mummy!’ 

Our boy turned three years old, something I still can’t quite believe. 

The digger birthday cake I made him; sod the wedding cake, this is my best baking achievement of the year. 

Setting new Christmas Eve traditions; being out, seeing the town all lit up with lights, Alf’s blowing out the candles on his cake (for a second time), putting out a mince pie and carrot for Santa & Rudolph. Loved it.  

Alf’s inspecting the nibbled carrot first thing on Christmas morning, as if to confirm that there had definitely been a reindeer in the house, was just magical.  

Alfie pulling presents out of his stocking with a big grin on his face. 

However, nothing will beat his face when he opened his very own train track set. I think perhaps my favourite moment of Christmas. 

Super easy cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.

Alfie running around in his pyjamas all day on Christmas Day, including when we went for a walk/park trip. There was just something so relaxed and festive about it. 

Airfrying the roast potatoes and parsnips – game changer when it comes to making a roast dinner. 

The final episode of Gavin & Stacey; just perfect. 

Feeling relaxed for the first time in a long while. 

Boxing Day Christmas Lights @ Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

On Boxing Day, we drove over to Wimpole to see the Christmas light display which was brilliant. Now that we have a small child, cabin fever sets in a lot quicker than it used to over the Christmas period and Boxing Day can always feel a little bit of a none-day without any plans, particularly when also juggling guests. I wanted to avoid that feeling this year so booked these tickets ages ago and even though they are eyewatering levels of expensive, it was worth it. The light displays were so good and I loved that it kept the festivities going just a little bit longer, plus there were churros and I bloody love churros. 

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

Christmas lights at Wimpole

23 Dec 2024

Taking A Break: A Christmassy Weekend In Norwich


I am a firm believer that parents should prioritise taking a break every now and again in the same way they prioritise the wellbeing of their children. Because parents having a break is prioritising the wellbeing of their children. It is not in the best interests of a child for their parents to be tired, overstimulated and unhappy in their relationship and a lot of those things can be rectified if they just take a bit of time out. Of course, it is a lot easier said than done and heavily relies on us having someone else we can leave our child with. We are very lucky that my parents live near us and are happy to take Alfie for a weekend whilst we go off on a little jolly. 

Going to Norwich seems to be turning into an annual tradition of ours. We love the city, it’s only an hour’s drive away and we’re really learning to appreciate the charm of going back to somewhere we have been before when the intention of the weekend is to have time off. 

We drove over on Friday afternoon, listening to the Parenting Hell podcast on our way which is our usual car journey listen of choice. Our Airbnb was lovely, a converted dance studio, tucked away behind some beautiful houses that would fit right into a Richard Curtis Christmas film and very close to the centre. 

Norwich had really gone to town on the Christmas decorations; it felt like every street was lit up and there were Christmas trees everywhere. We stumbled across a pub called The Belgian Monk and it felt like old times (aside from the fact I wasn’t drinking alcohol) being sat there sharing crisps and having a proper chat without the interruption of a toddler. We then had dinner at St Andrew’s Brewhouse. We went for drinks there last year and loved the atmosphere and how festive it felt, and we weren’t disappointed this year. We had a very leisurely meal and rather enjoyed people watching the various Christmas parties and trying to figure out other people’s office dynamics.  







Pastries at Bread Source was a must on Saturday morning; we love Bread Source. We discovered a different location just three minutes from our Airbnb and it was a lot quieter than our usual – more central – spot and it was lovely and peaceful eating cardamon buns surrounded by piles of baked goods, beautiful handmade garlands and twinkling Christmas trees. 

We did a little shopping, finishing off our Christmas presents, browsed Norwich’s abundance of cute, independent shops (can’t possibly comment on whether I bought the bauble-shaped candle…) and had a little look around the cathedral, partly because it’s free and was a good escape from the howling winds, and partly because I knew it would be lovely and Christmassy and I wasn’t disappointed. We had lunch at the cathedral café which turned out to be run by Bread Source as well, so it was our second visit of the day and, quite frankly, we weren’t mad about it. 

We then spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing at the Airbnb and I think this was the biggest treat of the weekend. We did venture out briefly to get a hot chocolate from Hotel Chocolat but otherwise lying on the sofa with my book without any interruptions was glorious.

Dinner was at Benoli and I would highly recommend this place. The décor was all deep colours with fairy lights and candles and the food was delicious pasta and Italian-themed starters and puddings. Everything was so tasty. 

Rounded off the day by watching Shetland in bed and again, I think this was a bigger treat then going out for dinner just the two of us. Peace and quiet is extremely limited in our lives these days! 

We had pastries at Bread Source, of course, the next morning before heading home to our boy who had been treating Granny and Grandad to his loud renditions of Jingle Bells for most of the weekend… 






22 Dec 2024

Christmas Lights @ Cambridge Botanical Gardens

 Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

At the start of the month – in my mind, to kick off the festive season – we went to see the Christmas lights at Cambridge Botanical Gardens. I think this is the first year they have put them on and I have to say, they did them so well. Sometimes these things can be a bit token-y or garish, but these really showcased the gardens whilst putting on an epic twinkly, festive display. We booked the earliest slot because we had a toddler with us, and it was great to go before the crowds – it was so much busier by the time we got to the end of the trail. We also enjoyed waffles part way round and barely had to queue at the food truck. Some photos! 

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens

Christmas lights, Cambridge botanical gardens