Little Gems: 8

23 Aug 2015

Autumn leaves in August sunshine. 

Song: The Bad Touch - Bloodhound Gang. I caught up with some uni pals at the Great British Beer Festival last week. There was a steak pie, dancing and beer (obviously). But most of all there were friends I hadn't seen for too long. We spent many nights at uni dancing to this ridiculous song, and it's been in my head ever since I saw them.

1) The grumpy cat and I have been best pals since we got back from Holland. Post-holiday blues combined with feeling ill and an unpleasant doctor's appointment have made me unnecessarily grumpy. But the Little Gems post encourages me to appreciate that it's really not that bad. I.e. get a grip and cheer the hell up.

2) Well, we just have to start with THAT video of the baby and the cat.

3) Continuing our tour of outdoor cinemas, we hit up Regent's Park for a gorgeous viewing of Some Like it Hot. What a brilliant film. Plus fairy lights. And a free cookie. I could go on...

4) Trying to pretend we were still on holiday, we spent an evening at the My Old Dutch pancake house. Nom, nom and nom.

5) London hit 30 degrees again this week. But it did it ON A SATURDAY. For once, the weather is doing it right.

6) Obviously this constituted a picnic in the park and an ice cream. A cookie ice cream at that.

7) Which leads nicely to... Cookie dough cafe. I mean, COME ON.

10) This couple gave up their jobs and are travelling the world. Sigh...
