The Luna Cinema, Brockwell Lido |
Song - Above The Clouds Of Pompeii - Bear's Den. How freakin gorgeous is this song?!
1) One week until I go on holiday! Good job too; my tiredness is slowly turning me into a walking zombie. Just five more days of work to get through before a beautiful ten days off.
2) On a bad day, thank god for the beauty that is Benedict Cumberbatch.
3) If you live in/travel into London, you really need to be taking advantage of all the quirky cinemas they've got going on. This week, my boyfriend and I went to The Luna Cinema, taking place in an outdoor swimming pool. We got ourselves settled with cushions, backrests and blankets on one side of the pool, with the screen on the other side, and watched a 40-year-old film right next a substantial amount of water. With all the light reflecting on all that water, it was very pretty. Not so pretty when the film started playing. Just a note for the future, 40-years-old or not, Jaws is still scary when you're sat right next to a load of water...
4) I'm getting into the swing of this cooking and exploring new food thing now and have been going crazy looking up recipes I want to try. The list gets bigger everyday and I hope to share them all with you. Just tell me, how good does this chocolate orange marble cake look?! Cannot wait to try it.
5) Saturday night was gig night and we saw Belle and Sebastian live at Somerset House. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter who you go and see, a gig at Somerset House should definitely be on your bucket list.
6) One of my very best friends from university buggered off to Australia eight months ago with no clear indication of when she would next be home. Needless to say, this makes regular reunions a little harder. But she came back for a whirlwind visit to the UK recently before jetting off on her next adventure, and I spent a happy, happy 24 hours with her and our other gorgeous uni pal this weekend.
7) Lazy Sundays are just the best. You should make time for them once in a while. And I don't mean lazy Sundays where you do your washing because, as far as I'm concerned, that doesn't count as relaxing. Meander through the day; sleep lots, plan stuff from bed, go for a pub lunch, repeat.
8) If you love summer (who doesn't?! Actually my sister doesn't... she's weird.) and words (professional word-lover right here), then you shall enjoy these literary quotes about summer.
9) Speaking of summer, how beautiful is the sky during these hot months? It's all pink and purples and reds and blues and oh my god do I love it.
10) MacDonald's banana milkshakes. I just love their bananary goodness. Except, they're probably full of badness. I wonder if they've even been near a banana... but then I don't care.