Little gems: 3

12 Jul 2015

Kick-starting the weekend with a home made mango smoothie.

Little things that have made me smile in recent days:

Song - What kind of man - Florence and The Machine. Looooving the new Florence album.

1) I recently purchased a 'Blend and Go' smoothie blender in a moment of reckless online shopping; but I'm so glad I did. It's been smoothies for breakfast every day since it arrived and I'm having a lot of fun trying out new recipes. More to follow...

2) Catch ups with old friends. My friend Lotte and I, and her enormous dog Koda, spent a lovely summers evening curled up in her summer house with a whole array of goodies (cupcakes, scones, flapjacks and pimms), where we kept chatting long after darkness fell.

3) Coming home after a late one at work and sinking into a very hot bath filled to the brim with bubbles. So worth the sunburnt prune look that follows.

4) London is a great place for suddenly coming across hidden gems. I travel into St Pancras station every day but little did I know that tucked behind it is a great place to sit by a canal, with, hello, fountains AND a bookshop ON A BOAT. That's right.

5) Have you seen the new Doctor Who trailer???

6) I'll give you approximately five seconds to absorb that excitement before I ask: have you seen the new Sherlock clip??? *jumps around like a five year old at Christmas*

7) I'm two episodes into the first season of House of Cards (I know, late to the party) and I'm very much enjoying it. Can feel a new addiction coming on...

8) Weekend to myself. It's very rare these days that I get a whole weekend to myself. Not that that's a bad thing but sometimes it's nice to have a bit of me time. I had a clear out, did some baking (I'll share soon) and lay in the sun reading my book.

9) Imaginary book shopping... Whilst I may not have the money to buy eight million books a week, it's fun to imagine I can. My Amazon wish list currently has 57 items on it... all books. Siiiiigh.

10) Sunday evening was film time and I was introduced to the film 'Pride' which, without a doubt, was the best film I have seen in a long time. Go watch!
