It seems like there’s no other way to start this post than THE WEATHER. IT’S SNOWING. IT’S BLOODY FREEZING. THERE IS AN ARCTIC CHILL UPON US.
I feel that’s a pretty accurate summary of the news the past week? Who knows what else has happened in the world; I’m assuming all politics just stopped whilst the white stuff descended?
Anyway, happy March! The beginning of Spring…. Apparently (it does seem to have warmed up today tbf). Here’s some of the recent good stuff:
I survived long haul flying! The prospect of spending approximately 13 hours on a plane to and from Singapore was not something I was remotely looking forward to. I don’t like flying; I wouldn’t say I’m actually scared of flying but I find the whole airport/flight experience pretty anxiety-provoking. But I got through both flights with no issues (apart from the usual WHY NO LEG ROOM).
Coming home to flowers and cookies. I arrived back from Heathrow airport on a Tuesday at about 7:30 in the morning, just as G was leaving for work. There were fresh flowers on the windowsill and homemade cookies on the kitchen counter and if that’s not the best welcome home, then I don’t know what is.
Shetland is back! I have so much love for this moody crime drama and those sweeping scenery shots are making me so excited for our Scottish Highlands adventure in July.
How to break up with your phone. Yeah, so you may have read this post and you’re going to be hearing a lot more about this book in the near future. It’s a very interesting (scary) read and may change your life a little bit.
Harry Potter exhibition & The Fable. I went to the Harry Potter: History of Magic exhibition which was so interesting. I thought I was an expert on all things Harry but there was loads of additional information that I didn’t know about; original scenes that never made it to the book and loads of JK’s handwritten notes and plans. Afterwards, we went for dinner at The Fable – I’m not sure this lived up to the hype but the food was good and I looooved the book table.
Gavin & Stacey. After years of watching random episodes on TV, I finally decided it was time to watch all 3 seasons from start to finish which I did mostly on the flights to and from Singapore. Kinda embarrassed it took me this long to be honest; what a show.
THIS IS THE GREATEST SHOOOOWWW. Yeah, so I finally got round to seeing The Greatest Showman and, yes, I am obsessed. That soundtrack is a permanent feature in my ears at the mo. IT’S SO GOOD.
Nail Art. When we were in Singapore, Alice and I got our nails done at The Nail Artelier and, without a doubt, my nails have never looked prettier. It took two hours because the nail artist individually painted on each flower (I was amazed) but they were so worth the wait. It’s also made me want to have gel nails more as they last for aaaaages.
Catch up weekend. The weekend after I got back from Singapore, I played catch up with my birthday and pancake day (which both happened whilst I was away). I had a birthday meal with my fam (and came away with a hefty amount of asos vouchers – cue lots of browsing) and G and I had pancakes for lunch on the Sunday. I will never miss out on pancake day!
It’s a nice day for a white wedding. We battled the snowstorms to get to my best friend’s wedding at the weekend and it was the most beautiful day (no you cried…).