Honestly, I love how many of us woke up this morning and completely lost our shit over the weather.
The moment G realised I was awake, he came running into the bedroom shouting ‘look outside!’
It wasn’t long before we were wrapped up, in our wellies and out in the winter wonderland St Albans had become. The snow gave a satisfying crunch under our feet, the excited shouts of children sledging surrounded us and the magic sight of snow-laden trees greeted our eyes. I was positively gleeful; it was so perfect for a girl who had been trying to make this weekend as festive as possible!
The rest of the day was spent drinking a hot chocolate which was mostly cream & marshmallows, watching The Grinch and wrapping presents. There’s ribbon and glitter everywhere ngl; I’m basically a real-life elf.
Some photos from this snowy Sunday…
