Little Gems: 13

30 Sept 2015

Florence + The Machine being awesome at Alexandra Palace. 

1) HOW? How can it possibly be October already?! It has been a buuuusy week but I'm still not sure how I've lost September.

2) Florence + The Machine at Alexandra Palace!! She is incredible live; her energy is never ending. She didn't stop moving ONCE the whole set.

3) Alexandra Palace should be on your list of places-to-visit-in-London. The building is fascinating and the view is well worth the hill climb.

4) On the topic of cool-things-in-London, we watched Live at the Apollo being filmed! Great venue and so many good comedians.

5) I went to an Hawaiian shirt party in a bright orange jumper. Yup.

6) Important question for book lovers; what do you use as a bookmark? 

8) Did I make my own pesto? Why, yes, yes I did.

10) Maaaan I am tired. So ready for a weekend of pottering about.
