Alright, important questions first, have ya seen Beauty and the Beast yet? Cos ooohhhh my god is it good. I may have downloaded the soundtrack and may have booked tickets to go see it again...
Anyway a video for ya, if that sorta thing floats your boat. In Feb, I became the irritatingly smug new owner of an Olympus Pen e-pl7 (which I probs love more than I will my first born child) and I made the decision to take it out with me everywhere throughout March (except to work cos, lol, that shiz dull) so that I would learn to use it in the best way. My little baby took a trip to Edinburgh, met A LOT of cats and stared at all the foods. Me and her had a ball. So, yeah, this was what I got up to in March. I'm off to eat some mini eggs now. See ya.