Hey kids. I’m currently snaffling on pringles and some free sour cream and chive pretzels the air steward just gave me whilst looking at a pretty dreamy view of plane wing, clouds and endless blue sky.
Yup, it’s happening. The moment has finally arrived; I’m off to New York. That’s sorta all this post is tbh. Me and G on a plane. We decided to fly with Aer Lingus when we booked this trip all those months ago, via Dublin. Basically cos it was A LOT cheaper which left us money to spend on, ahem, helicopter rides. I don’t regret it so far but it did mean that we left the house at half six this morning and by 4pm, we’d only got as far as Ireland.
We started on a train to Gatwick, got through Gatwick security with surprising ease and then had a REALLY NICE AIRPORT BREAKFAST. I know, I’m just as shocked as you. Scrambled egg on rosemary focaccia bread with roasted tomatoes and smoked salmon. Oh and a berry almond milk smoothie. Living. The. Dream. We then took a quick flight to Dublin which was over vair quick, took another trip through airport security (the fun) and then hit up WH Smith. Cos girl needs her snacks on long journeys.
We then headed to US pre-clearance immigration which was looooong, went through security again and finally made it to our gate with a casual two hours to spare before the actual flight. So I ate some of my snacks.
We’re now 45 minutes into the flight, G’s watching some TV and I’m wondering whether it’s acceptable to ask the air steward when dinner will be so, you know, I can decide whether to eat more snacks now.
I keep getting waves of tiredness or waves of pure excitement; I can’t decide whether to nap or do some kind of happy jig.
It’s only really just starting to sink in that we’re going. I know, I know, I’ve spoken about it irritating amounts since we booked the trip last June but despite that, despite all the ticket booking and planning we’ve done in the last few weeks, despite all the washing and packing I did yesterday, despite the New York guidebook and notebook full of plans sat in the over-sized bag at my feet; it’s only sinking in emotionally that I’m going back to the city that stole my heart when I was 16. Tbh, I’m not sure I’ll 100% feel it until we’re in the taxi to the hotel and I see that skyline.
In the mean time, I’m gonna take my contact lenses out, kick my shoes off and pull on some extra thick socks cos that heinous plane aircon is doing its thing. I’ve got the original Disney Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas films downloaded on my iPad to watch and here’s hoping the plane food won’t be too grim eh?
Over and out.