Well hello there kids. It’s already February eh? I’m marvelling at how fast time seems to have passed like your typical walking cliché.
I’m in one of my fave cafes, snaffling on a tuna melt panini with a pretty dreamy raspberry crush and sticky toffee muffin to go with. It’s been a weird old week but I’m feeling positive today. I got a lot ticked off my life admin list this morning, have got the good old writing bug going on and, hey, it’s the weekend baby. Oh and I gotta go pick up an M&S parcel later and, ngl, I’m excited to try on my new bras. The crazy life chose me.
Making the most of the positive mood, this is gonna be an extended edition of the Little Gems post full of things that have personally made me smile but also things that you should be smiling about as well. Cos the current state of the world is no effing joke and we need to be throwing out as much good and love as we can.
So without further ado…
1. It’s February
And do you know what? I LIKE February. February means the weather is creeping towards warmer and lighter. February means my birthday. February means our anniversary. February means I am ONE MONTH CLOSER TO NEW YORK.
2. Sally Yates
The now sacked US Attorney General. Who stood for decency, and common sense, and a bit of bloody kindness. Who instructed her staff not to endorse the so-called-president’s bullshit travel ban. Who stood in front of adversity and said no. Fair to say, she’s going down on the right side of history.
3. Creating videos
As I said in my 2017 goals, I wanted to finally compile my Iceland video which I have (up on the blog in the next few weeks). And it gave me a bit of a video-making bug. I just loved it. I spontaneously made another one for my step-dad’s 50th weekend (here) and I feel this is the start of something. I mean, I know nothing and if you’ve been making videos for a while, you’ll probs look at mine like ‘lol what’s that’ but I don’t care. I love the process and I love learning a new skill.
4. Everything J.K.Rowling has said on twitter in the last couple of weeks
And also ever. That woman never fails to inspire me. Look at her campaigning for what’s right, and slapping down those Trump-supporters with So. Much. Sass. Buzzfeed has put together the best examples from the last few days over here.
5. The sticky toffee muffin
I am now eating. Good lord, it’s dreamy af.
6. The big names speaking out
I don’t think I’ve ever loved Ewan McGregor more. AirBnB offering free accommodation to refugees affected by the ban. The lawyers at JFK airport. Starbucks pledging 10,000 jobs to refugees around the world. KEEP IT UP GUYS.
7. Telling my fave pal that we need to meet up soon
And that night booking flights to Edinburgh to go stay in March. For FORTY QUID RETURN.
8. Gina Miller
Who, like a lot of us, asked a perfectly reasonable question, requested things were done properly and ensured that government representatives didn’t get drunk on power and do whatever the eff they wanted. Oh and she also owned the toss-pot UKIP guy in that Channel 4 News interview.
9. Passengers
I LOVED THIS FILM. Like, seriously loved it. The psychology of it has been buzzing round my brain for the past few days.
10. The MPs
Who, this week, said ‘er do ya know what guys? Morally, I don’t agree with this. So I’m gonna put my morals BEFORE my need to be in power’. Unlike some people. I’ll just leave this Mike Pence tweet here.
11. The surprise weekend away in Devon
For my step-dad’s 50th birthday, which I wrote about here. Please can I always live in a castle? PLEEEEEASE.
12. THIS Trump Donald website
Just click.
13. G and I getting a joint bank account
And talking about buying houses, and when to have children. And how much trips to Australia would cost. We so adult and he so lovely.
14. Angela Merkel reminding President Tango
About his country’s obligations to the UN charter on refugees. Which seems like a better course of action then skipping around holding hands with him. We ain’t never gonna let that one go Theresa.
15. People tweeting me to tell me
They found my blog post poignant. That my blog post inspired them to book a holiday. That my blog post was just what they needed on a bad day. ALL THE HEART EMOJIS.
16. You
The kind, sane part of the world. The part of the world that hasn’t completely lost their evil shit. Everyone who has marched around the world, against Trump, against fascism and the extreme right views. Everyone who is outraged, who is saying NO NOT TODAY PAL. You guys make me feel like it’s all gonna be okay.
Have a fabulous weekend.