Foodie Discoveries in St Albans

10 Feb 2017

Foodie Discoveries in St Albans

I’ve made no secret of the fact that St Albans is a foodie heaven. They’ve got all your standard chains plus fancier places and omg this is amazing unique places that make you do all the excited squeals. So I thought I’d put together a rundown of our best discoveries so far in case you fancy heading in this direction in the near future.

Maybe you fancy a trip outside of London or maybe you have friends here or maybe you already live here… either way come say hi and we’ll go eat food. Or don’t come say hi and go eat food without me. But I won’t speak to you again cos that would be cruel and you know it.


St Albans Foodie Discoveries

I’m starting with Bill’s because it’s the restaurant we ended up in after the very first time we went to see our flat. We debated whether it was worth having to buy a fridge and washing machine for (it was) and drew diagrams on the napkin. If I remember rightly, I had the halloumi and falafal burger and mini cinnamon doughnuts (which is still my main meal of choice). Basically we have a total soft spot for Bill’s and always end up there if all else fails or we just fancy an easy meal. The menu isn’t going to blow your mind when you first read it but it always tastes great, and they do brunch. Get the pancakes. 

I maybe didn’t realise that Bill’s is actually a chain because the one in St A was the first one I’d come across but when I sit in that cosy interior surrounded by candles and shelves of chutneys, I can pretend it’s unique.

Website here.

The Pudding Stop

St Albans Foodie Discoveries

Guys, GUYS. This place is right out of Hogsmeade. Everyone round here knows of The Pudding Stop and the moment it reached my ears (about 20 seconds after moving in), I was like WE HAVE TO GO NOW. Because I was hardly gonna wait was I? 

They do pudding, cheeseboards and brunch. So basically my dream restaurant. The cheeseboard and brunch are both dreamy but it really is the puddings that steal the show. Doughnuts filled with nutella or homemade custard. Salted caramel & peanut butter brownies. The best pecan pie I have ever had. Butterscotch blondies. Ginger cake. Sticky toffee pudding. Bakewell tarts.

Lol drooling over my keyboard.

They’re open until 11pm, do take away and there’s weekly film viewings which is the only thing I still need to check out (I have a lifetime of regrets not going when they aired the GBBO finale). But the best bit? The Pud Mobile. Which sets itself up right by the station exit so you HAVE to walk past it on your way home from work. Okay, so slightly dangerous on the waistline and bank balance but imagine getting off the train after a bad day and seeing all those puddings smiling at you. Instant mood lift.

Website here. 

Redbournbury Watermill Bakery  

St Albans Foodie Discoveries

St Albans Foodie Discoveries

You can walk through the countryside to get here (you can drive but that is not the way to get the full experience) which is full of pretty country lanes and little streams, and a constant view of the cathedral on the hill. The watermill is stunning and you can go inside and climb to the top, and see how they make the bread. The bakery is open on Saturday mornings and they do hundreds of different types of breads. We packed up some cheese and then bought a loaf of bread and tore chunks off whilst sitting in the sunshine. We also tried some of their brownies which were spot on, and the guy gave us an extra one for free because it’s that kinda place. 

One to save for the spring/summer.

Website here. 


St Albans Foodie Discoveries

This place is classy but not pretentious you know? Like, you can go in your jeans and t-shirt and still feel at ease. The prices are kinda fancy but if you go before 7pm, you get three courses for £14.50 or two course for £12.50 and the food is uh-mazing. It’s also about twenty seconds from our flat so sometimes we just end up in there by accident. We’ve probably been about five or six times in total and I still love it.

Website here. 

The Steakhouse 

St Albans Foodie Discoveries

Obviously not one if you've now gone veggie. It is expensive, and there was a delay to our meal when we went which was a bit annoying but I liked the décor and the steaks were so good. They put a lot of effort into informing you of the different types of steaks, and sauces to go with them, and they were all cooked to perfection. The wine was also really good, and they do baked camembert as a starter. 

Oh and it’s right opposite the Odyssey cinema so a good one for date night.

Website here.

The Waffle House 

St Albans Foodie Discoveries

Not actually a new discovery because I’ve known about this baby for yonks. Me and the girls have been coming here forever and, fun fact, me and G came here for one of our early dates. It doesn’t really need must explanation, it’s WAFFLES. And yes, you have to get a savoury and sweet one even if it does leave you feeling a little bit sick. It’s on the other side of the park so you can justify two waffles because of the walk. Oh and they do really good smoothies and milkshakes FYI.

Website here. 


St Albans Foodie Discoveries

Italian. Duh. Like an independent, better quality version of Pizza Express. Only cheaper and more popular; you often need to book. It’s small and cute, and does really flippin’ good pizzas. The first time we went here, we decided to book a holiday to New York so there you go; magic pizzas.

Website here.


St Albans Foodie Discoveries

A very popular Turkish restaurant so book beforehand. They’re big on sharing; you pick two-three dishes per person and then just dive into the hundreds of dishes of food they bring you. Everything tastes incredible and the staff are really helpful at giving you suggestions on how much to order and what works well with what.

Website here. 

The Exquisite Peacock Emporium 

St Albans Foodie Discoveries

G thinks the name of this newish café is ridiculous which, you know, it is… but it’s also genius. I’ve meandered in here a few times on my Friday writing afternoons and it’s rapidly becoming my favourite cafe. They do homemade sandwiches, milkshakes and their muffins are the best in St Albans. The only downside is it’s always pretty busy so you can never guarantee you’re gonna get a seat buuuuut if you manage to squeeze on that big communal table in the middle, it may be the prettiest table background to ever grace your instagram feed.

Website here. 

In the St A area? Give me some recommendations! 
