So we went to Sainsbury’s cos G had something like 9000 nectar card points; which equalled about £50 worth of free food shopping so yaaaaay big food shop time.
Date night.
Quite frankly, it could have turned into a big grumpy mess because it was a Thursday evening and I’d been stuck in an unbearably hot meeting room all day and was in an all tired and PLEASE HOLD ME kinda mood by the time I got back to the flat.
But then we went and HI HUMONGOUS CHEESE SELECTION. In a haze of pure happiness, I picked out a goat’s cheese log and circle of proper smoked cheese, both of which are my fave cheeses and neither of which are sold at our local Tesco express which has been the biggest downer of moving to St Albans. Anyway, I’ve already eaten them both and I’m not even sorry. Gonna have to get back to Sainsbury’s asap cos cheese forever <3 <3 <3
I unpacked the shopping super quick (we did actually buy food that wasn’t cheese as well) whilst G parked the car and then headed out for some food cos, ya know, date night. We’d been recommended L’Italiana but they were fully booked until after 9 which is obvs a very good sign but not so great when you’ve spontaneously popped in and you’re verging on the side of hangry.
We ended up in Bill’s which is slowly becoming our default place to eat. Bill’s is all shabby-chic, with tastytasty food and shelves full of chutneys. We want to buy them all. You can never have too many chutneys I tell ya.
We shared falafel for starters and discussed how you make falafel and I was soon declaring that I shall be making it myself, a sure sign my grumpiness was fading. I demolished a burger for main, satisfying a long-standing burger craving and essentially losing all dignity as the burger juice ran down my hand/face/into my crotch. But, hey, we live together now. I no longer particularly care if G sees me looking a mess. Lucky him eh?
I declared we were going to be ‘good’ and not have pudding... but only because I knew there were salted caramel cookies sat on the kitchen counter at home which we snaffled on the sofa before going to bed.
This appears to be a love story about me and food (lol, what’s new?) but that’s mainly cos I’m not going to write a entire page about how marvellous G is because I’d probably have to stop and throw up half way through. I don’t do gushy. Cept when I’m talking about cheese.
I love cheese.
And G.